When is the Canteen Open?
Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays. CLOSED FRIDAYS.
Lunches orders close at 8am. We provide service over the counter during recess and lunch times for snacks and drinks.
What’s on the menu?
A variety of delicious options including canteen-made sandwiches, hot bakery pies and sausage rolls, sushi is brought in daily and specials including pasta, burgers, schnitzel wraps and more change regularly. The menu is published in the school newsletter, the school bytes app and via flexischools.
How to order...?
School lunches must be ordered online via www.flexischools.com.au by 8.00am on the same day lunch is required.
Delivery of lunch orders
Lunches are packed and labelled with the students name and class and sorted into class tubs that are collected by a nominated student from each class just before the lunch bell.
How can you help..?
· Volunteer your time - got an hour or two free? Please sign up to volunteer here: https://signup.zone/huntershillps-canteen
· Place regular lunch orders - any profit we make goes back to the P&C to run the canteen.
· Regular feedback is always welcome.
Special Occasions
Birthday treats for the classroom are available through the canteen. Order 2 days in advance via flexischools.
Healthy School Canteens
All canteens in NSW public schools must meet certain requirements. These include providing more healthy food and drink options – to make the healthy choice an easy choice for students. For example: No Sugar-sweetened drinks or confectionary allowed, and a canteen menu made up of at least 75% of Everyday and not more than 25% Occasional foods and drinks. Visit Healthy school canteens to learn more.