Hunters Hill Public School

Excellence in Learning for Success in Life

Telephone02 9816 4404

School uniform shop

The HHPS P&C operates the uniform shop. Families must order uniform items via the Flexischools system. Items ordered are then delivered to students in their classroom (deliveries occur once per week usually on a Monday). 


Opening hours

The uniform shop does not open on a regular basis. 'Pop-up' sales/fittings events do take place which are advertised via the school's Sentral Parent Portal.  To assist Kindergarten and new families to obtain their uniforms, and during change of season, the uniform shop will open at specifically advertised times. Families will be notified in advance of these times.


Second-hand items

A selection of second-hand items are available to purchase at 'pop-up' events. Families are encouraged to donate items that are used but in clean and wearable condition to the shop. Any item donated can be swapped for another second-hand item.



The uniform shop is located on the ground floor of the Eulbertie building (across the hallway from HHOOSH).



Deliveries of items ordered via Flexischools are made once per week (usually Mondays). Orders must be placed by 5pm the previous evening. Information on how to set-up a Flexischools account will be provided to new families.



P&C uniform convenor:

Uniform shop coordinator:


Our uniform

Summer uniform is worn in Terms 1 and 4. Winter uniform is worn in Terms 2 and 3. Girls may wear pants or skorts, as an alternative to the summer dress and winter tunic. A sports uniform is worn on sports days.

Hats are part of the uniform and are worn during outside time by students.

All clothing and equipment should be labelled.