Hunters Hill Public School

Excellence in Learning for Success in Life

Telephone02 9816 4404

Student welfare and school discipline code

A student’s educational development involves experiences that develop an understanding of self and a respect for other individuals. Through social interactions students begin to appreciate rules about acceptable and unacceptable behaviour. This development of responsible self-direction is achieved in an environment where cooperation and mutual respect between teachers, students, and parents is encouraged and sought. The students acquire moral values based on principles that promote care and concern for others, while accepting themselves as worthwhile people with unique individual talents that need to be realised.

Hunters Hill Public School places great importance on the development of a student’s self-esteem, self-discipline, and responsible self-direction. Through opportunities provided to students for decision making, displays of initiative, and acceptance of responsibility, self-esteem and self-discipline are promoted.

Hunters Hill Public School aims to provide a safe, caring, and stimulating environment in partnership with students and parents/caregivers to ensure all students can learn effectively and grow with confidence in a positive school climate of mutual respect and support.

To support the attainment of these aims we exercise a School Behaviour Support and Management Plan.